Event Funding
Funding Guidelines
DormCon is committed to supporting events in the dorm community through funding and advisory roles. The following funding guidelines were adopted as of spring 2024; if you plan to apply for event funding, you must read these updated guidelines. Some important facts are noted below:
Funding applications must be submitted at least one week before the meeting at which the application is to be discussed.
If possible, event applications should be submitted by the second DormCon meeting of the term. Up to 50% of event funds may be distributed at this time, with the remainder available for applications on a rolling basis.
The online application must be filled out for any events and a representative from the group will be contacted to attend a DormCon meeting as needed. Rolling events must be submitted three weeks prior to the event in order to allow sufficient time for DormCon review and potential approval.
No event will be funded beyond 50% of its total event budget, up to a maximum of $500 for parties and $2000 for all other events. Party organizers can email dormcon-treasurer@mit.edu with an explanation to request that their event be considered for the full $2000.
In order to actually get the funding transferred into your account, you must fill out a post-event report.
Events must be classified into one of four categories; in general, preference will be given to events which are advertised to the entire dorm community and subsequently to those which are sponsored by multiple dorms. Events sponsored by (non-dorm) student groups are not eligible for funding.
To apply for event funding, please fill out our application.
Post-Event Report
Once the event is over, please fill out a post-event report.