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Voting Members

The elected representative(s) (i.e. presidents) of each dorms are the DormCon voting members.

For more info, see our constitution.

BakerSofia Lara & Camila Piercebaker-prez
Burton-ConnerRishika Bansalbc-president
East CampusHanu Snyderec-president
MacGregorBrandon Murphymac-prez
Maseeh HallHelena Useymaseeh_president
McCormickSandra Youssef, Noura Attili & Emily Albornozmccormick-president
New HousePaola Namphy & Zabian Stromnh-president
Next HouseZakiya Smithnext-president
Random HallElla Sheffield & Henry Bezosrandom-president
Simmons HallEugenie Cha & Jackson Hamiltonsimmons-president
New VassarMichaela Olimene & Shiqi Chengnv-prez